Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The Story of Columbia Pictures Logo

This is the logo of Columbia Pictures. We all recognize it, we all grew up with it and we all love it. There is so much history behind this logo. This history has stories of patrioticism as the lady Columbia is supposedly wearing the American Flag and Holding the torch wich symbolizes englightenment. The word Columbia is also the poetic name for the United States of America. The rays of light are the message of enlightenment that lady columbia brings forward.

This logo was first used in 1924, since then it kept evolving with the same thing and minor changes. In the year 1943, the first colored variation of the logo was launched. Most models that worked as lady columbia in these logos are mostly unknown. Today the logo uses a composite painting of lady columbia.

Monday, February 8, 2010

The Transformation of Canon Logo

This is the world famous, globally recognized logo of Canon. Founded in Tokyo, Japan; Canon was first named The Kwanon which referred to the buddhist goddess of mercy. The logo had the image of the Goddess and the brand name at the bottom. You might think that this is a bad logo design, but actually it was not so bad at that time. The word Camera had to to go in logo to tell the people about the product. At that time cameras were not a common household item.  The circles represnt the lens, the goddess of mercy in focus and brand name at the bottom.

Later, the company decided to change its name to Canon for marketing purposes in global markets. At first the logo was lighter, the font were more stylized. Until the late sixties Canon remain focused on researching the imaging technology and improving the cameras. But as the company started manufacturing other products the transformation of the logo also began. However, this transformation was precisely the neccessity. Because the company now had to print logo on different objects, on different type of media and had to reach out to different kind of cultures and people. The subtle changes in the design were actually to fullfill those needs.

Later in 1951, the typeface became bolder. After that, it kept getting bolder each decade. The logo also reflects Canon's transformation from just a camera manufacturer to a global brand name in multimedia, electrical, retail, medical and office equipment. Canon uses the logo in two forms the full black and white form and the red typeface form.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Nike Logo Design

This logo is one of the most recognized logos in the world. The swoosh of Nike. Many of you wouldn't know that Nike was the name of a Greek Goddess with the same name. She was known as the goddess of victory. The swoosh sign represents the feather of the victory that she bestowed upon the greek warriors and atheletes.

So Nike has it's roots in the greek mythology so you can understand that it must have been a very interesting project for any logo designer to come up with something amazingly creative for that.

The Nike "swoosh'" is a design created in 1971 by Carolyn Davidson, a graphic design student at Portland State University. She met Phil Knight while he was teaching accounting classes and she started doing some freelance work for his company, Blue Ribbon Sports (BRS). The Nike Swoosh logo represents the wing in the famous statue of the Greek Goddess of victory, Nike, who was the source of inspiration for many great and courageous warriors

This legendary icon symbolizes not only just the brand identity of Nike but it teaches us a few lessons in the brand identity. First of all Nike the brand name and the logo describe eachother. The logo has a feeling of the sportsmanship even though the common viewers do not know the mythology behind the logo. The heavy marketing budget allowed Nike to make the symbol synonymous with sports and victory.