Sunday, August 22, 2010

Tips to Make People Love your Website

A flourishing web site is the one where people visit and bookmark it for later use or interact with it or do something there that shows they arrived there. This success can also be measured with the number of returning visitors. It is hard to bring people to visit your website for the first time but it is even harder to make them want to come back again. Below are some tips that would help you understand how you can make your website more sticky.

They say that the content is the king and they are so right about it. The most important element of success for a website is high quality content. Your website should be offering visitors something informative, useful and valuable that makes your web content appealing for the visitors. So the first rule that any one maintaining a website should have at their top list is to produce high quality content.

High quality content alone is not a guarantee that people would love your website and would make sure that they could visit again. Well, you need to make it very easy for them to remember your website. To do that first thing that you should do is to buy a domain name that is easy to remember, spell and share. Secondly on your website design you need to provide people the tools they can use to bookmark your website, share it on their social bookmarking sites and networks, or subscribe to your RSS feed.

There are free tools available on the web that you can add to your website. The tools provider make it really easy for webmasters to get a code to embed on their webpages. This code is sometimes called widgets which you can add any where on your webpage. There are tools available for social bookmarking, social network sharing, and tools to create email subscriptions for your RSS feed.